Before the Scabs Part 2

Published on 29 March 2023 at 10:49

Like I said before, ups and downs in life are impossible to avoid. Even though this is the case, there was a pleasant time in my life, where i was happy 99% of the time! The only time that comes to mind was being about 3 to 5. I was in preschool and then went to kindergarten with a bright light shining inside of me. When I would fall and scrape my knee, I would get held. I had naps and snack time. That was the best! I enjoyed animal crackers, chips, and juice for free!  Honestly, I still enjoy naps and snack time to this day, but i have to buy my own snacks! Lol... I was such a free spirit. I had no form. I had no real rules. I was able to say whatever i wanted to say without limitations. I laughed at the smallest, most corny things! My only job was to play and come in for dinner. I loved all of the seasons because you could play in the snow or the sun. I made snow angels and sand castles. I loved Barney and my stuffed animals. I loved French toast sticks and syrup for breakfast. I loved running as fast as I could. I seemed to always have energy. I wanted to stay up late at night because i loved being awake. There was no depression. There was no self doubt. There was not many tears. I had no idea what financial problems were or how hard it was to find real friends. I didn't know about suicide or that there was a Hell. I literally thought life was awesome! Life was butterflies and rainbows! I loved this life. That's all I knew and I was okay with that! ❤️

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